          人民大?堂 18 回复:【安格音?】逍?月色--2008???人??家中秋音?? No man is perfect, therefore, Confucius could not be perfect either, his Chinese words "生.4.有 .Mean. Fool.Great.Jeye.Ten" totally wrong; because this world made on purposely for man to rule that clearly mentioned in the Bible at the very beginning. Both God and Satan must not be allowed to abuse their s 關鍵字排名uper power to force, Satan only does forceless dragon down, God must sadly watch all his love gone with wind or suffer worst than real hells right when his block failed to block his love from falling down. 作者: 68.94.125.* 2008-9-26 18:43   回复此?言 20 回复:【安格音?】逍 房屋貸款?月色--2008???人??家中秋音?? [man to rule this world to the best next to the perfect] That indeed once existed in USA before White Trash male tooled White dressed female animals to eat their own mankind bonelessly; that how come Dr.Swen so called "3.Mean.Drew.1" "Ren.Jean.7.Chime. Whore.Chang.7.6. 5.J 澎湖民宿ean.7.用 " got out of USA real man made heavenly homes. 作者: 68.94.125.* 2008-9-26 19:08   回复此?言 19 回复:【安格音?】逍?月色--2008???人??家中秋音??( "No man is perfect" This may explain how come "The super invisible Power" messaged me to tell "my self death on my 58" to t 小型辦公室ell you How an unselfish woman needed to stay at her own place doing nothing can be better than unselfish virgin Mother Teresa to help man to rule this world to the best next to the perfect. 作者: 68.94.125.* 2008-9-26 18:56   回复此?言-----------------------------------------------I am rather died than living like Chinese said "生.Boot.Rule.4", 土地買賣not because I please God's order to stay at my own place, because I was homeless parentless must have to work to feed myself, and I did not know that I could just go to find a no man place to starve to die because I was a non-virgin homeless single woman at that time, that naive made me unluckily met my worst nightmare hooked by the evilest male JungShiauLin in 網路行銷 the evilest public place "Kaohsiung 稅捐處" where the evilest corrupted public workers abusing their public power chained with rich and famous evil doers like JungShiauLin underground chained slavery terrorist arund the entire globe. JungShiauLin Chinese name "林榮烋"-烋 sounds as 逍, his brother "林榮耀"- 耀 sounds like ?, "林榮耀"looked like ?德?, "林榮耀" wife name 楊麗娟; "林榮烋 禮服" looked like Russia Putin, "林榮烋" closest partners or slaves or masters 嚴樂 and 嚴潔 linked to "月色";嚴潔 husband said linked to Taiwan military sucks. That made "林榮烋 林榮耀" brothers names link to 嚴樂 and 嚴潔 sisters combined to that sucking Mainland China formed 逍?月色--2008???人??家中秋音??( --------------------------------------------------------- ARMANI-------------------------------------------------------------------逍?月色—2008???人??家中秋音? ??:2008-09-12--2008-09-12 (19:30)??: 人民大?堂票价: 1680 1280、 1200、 880、 480、 280、 180、 Taiwan Law Makers, you need ask HongKong Law Makers to question China Communist Force who stations in HongKong to answer how dare they allow anyone to buy and sell in their owns 人民大 建築設計?堂 to committed crimes got profited or "Tool.Lead.Tar.Ren".Taiwan and Mainland China should ask the world wide law makers to help you to investigate how "林榮烋 林榮耀" "嚴樂 and 嚴潔" linked chained had committed crimes that eaten tax payers money in Taiwan and in Mainland China to hide overseas to buy slavery around the entire globe.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 訂做禮服  .

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